Betrayed and sold to Northern traders, Buck is forced to pull a sledge through the frozen Yukon He and the other dogs on the team are brutalized and beaten until they are almost dead, but Buck is saved from cаызггruelty by John Thornton, in whose care he learns to be loved Buck has now learnt survival and self-preservation so that when he is free to return to the wild he is feared, admired and truly fit for leadership Jack London's masterpiece explores the mythical kingdom ofбкаэш the primeval wolf with unflinching clarity of vision "White Fang", the companion novel to "The Call of the Wild", tells of the offspring of an Indian wolf-dog and a wolf The greatest fighter of them all, White Fang responds to savagery with savagery Until he has the chance to respond to kindness Формат: 11 см х 18 см Содержание White Fang c 1-194 The Call of the Wild c 195-278 Автор Джек Лондон Jack London Настоящее имя - Джон Гриффибрщхьтс Лондон Прозаик, классик мировой литературы ХХ столетия Знаменитый американский писатель вырос в бедности и очень рано начал самостоятельную жизнь Всерьез заниматься писательским трудом начал в 23 года, перепробовав к .